Saturday, September 27, 2003

I've been doing tons of online research lately related to my new writing project and in addition to finding a lot of great information I'm also finding a lot to be annoyed about. What is this thing where the search engine links you to another search engine which is just a big fat commercial -- sussing out what you want to *buy* based on your query? Does everything have to be about buying something? And I end up deleting about 50 cookies after each session -- and popup ads are stupid and is generally good information but gets skipped due to egregious popup ads.

Big Brother finally finished. It ended up with the two loathsome people in the finals but I had to see how it ended. Glad it's over. Alias starts Sunday and I watched the first Brotherhood of Poland N.H. -- not sure if I'll stick with it. Too many things to remember to tape.

Some random URLs:

Hilarious Manly Tips for Bachelor Living

Scary Bad plastic surgery pictures.

-- live video of the giant pandas.

And here's Chuck Palahniuk because he's local and he's been everywhere lately.