Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Bob is at Shasta seeing String Cheese Incident. In a possibly related story, I woke up a 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. I tossed and turned for an hour. I have been having all kinds of problems with my various email addresses and domain and so forth and as I tossed and turned, I had an idea and decided to go ahead and get up and try it.

Once I get on the computer, I'm history in terms of getting back to sleep.

So I somewhat resolved my computer problems and I read a bunch of The English Patient and at 5am I decided to try and nap a little. I think I dozed but then I thought I heard someone in the garage so I jumped up with my heart pounding and then figure out it's just people packing a moving van on the street. So now it's 5:30am and what's the point of even trying to sleep? So I threw in laundry and looked at the paper and did a nice long jog/walk.