Saturday, January 31, 2004

When Hairbands Ruled the World
I had the TV on VH1 for the Alarm so I caught this show about when Metal Ruled the World which was basically an hour program about my life in the late 80's. It showed the whole Sunset Strip/Cathouse scene -- all the bands, the flyers, everything. Those were some fun, crazy times. I'm glad I was there. But as I watched I realized what's wrong with Little Friday is there is zero sex and drugs in it. There isn't even a lot of alcohol in it. In terms of my personal experience in Hollywood there was zero sex and drugs (well, to be honest, slightly more than zero, but still a very miniscule amount in the bigger scheme of things) which is a bigger statement about my social failings than my moral values. But the whole scene was defined by the hedonism of its heroes. For LF to be a successful story about the times -- it could use more juice. I don't know. I love the story and think it stands on its own the way it is -- I love the naivete of my wannabe rock star. Regardless, I don't plan to do anymore writing on this exact project. I still have some 80's stuff in me and I'm still working out what I'm going to do with it.