Sunday, August 01, 2004

Check out the Run Hit Wonder photos.

We had a fantastic time. The band we wanted to see most was General Public (this is Dave's website and the intro thing is great -- check it out) and that was the first band on the route and we ended up parking there until they stopped playing. Fantastic show -- they sounded great, Dave looks great and was totally into it, and they played all the classics including English Beat. We heard: Tenderness, I Confess, Save it for Later, Mirror in the Bathroom, Tears of a Clown ... it was SO good. But by the time that was over and we continued through the course we ended up missing Flock of Seagulls and the beginning of Devo's set. Tone Loc, Tommy Tutone and Dramarama were on the 10K so we didn't see them at all. Devo rocked too -- I think I saw them back in the day. I can't remember but I don't remember them being so kick ass.

So here's the Tommy Tutone story and I might have already told it once. Tommy Tutone played at Grad Night when I graduated from high school -- that's when Disneyland is open all night for graduates. We went to see him and for whatever reason the officials wanted us to stay in our seats. If we stood up to dance they ran over and made us sit down. This guy in our class, Carl, kept dancing and he got thrown in the Disneyland jail with all the ruffians busted with drugs and some guy who tried to stab someone. And he's still getting mileage out of this story. At the reunion I heard him say: "I got thrown in the Disneyland jail --- for dancing."

This day has turned out to be a wash. I didn't sleep well last night and we got up early and then we did this walk/dancing thing and my ankle is unhappy and I'm ready for bed right now. I think I'll drink a beer and try to stay awake until 9pm.