Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I took today off from work for an extra long weekend. Then it turned out Bob had to work and I thought about bagging and going to work and saving the day off for later but by then I already had "day off" in my head and it's not like I didn't have stuff to do so I went ahead and stayed home. I did a long yoga practice, two loads of laundry and threw the chicken carcass into the slow cooker and covered with water so I can make soup in the next day or so. I also watched a VH1 special on Big Brother and then called Kimberlee to see if she was up for a visit and after I talked to her I ran over to Zupans to get some stuff for her for dinner. Kimberlee is my massage therapist and she had twins in June and I never know what kind of baby things to get -- how many adorable little outfits can a Mom use? (I know that's not the point, the point is adorable little outfits but I'm too practical for my own good). So I decided to bring her dinner - some Italian casserole type things, salads, a big loaf of bread, a bottle of wine and some fancy brownies. I went to see Garden State (Bilbo is the Dad!!) and then I had to go to the police station to pick up my police report from my stupid fraudulent Visa problem and of course I brought a giant sheaf of paper with everything except the case number so that didn't work. But I stopped at K's on the way home and dropped off dinner and got to play with two very cute little babies. So a very good day.

Another great thing about today is Angel season 4 came out on DVD. Yesterday I asked Bob to guess what was coming out on DVD that would make me really excited and he said he couldn't think of anything. So then I mimed fangs and then angel wings and he got this horrified look on his face and really couldn't guess. I told him, "Angel" and he said, "omigod, I had no idea what you were doing." Just today I put Angel in the queue and I had already added another season of Buffy and the first season of Roswell (am I the biggest geek or what? It's all Billy's fault. He got me into these shows and then quit watching them, bastard.) Bob had added about 20 foreign films no one has ever heard of so now our queue is totally out of control with like 60 movies. At three a week, we won't be running out anytime soon.

The weekend went fantastic. The Neuners arrived on Sunday afternoon and Bob took Sophie and Lena to Last Chance Summer Dance (I'd provide a link but radio stations have stupid slow-loading hard to navigate pages that aren't worthy of my link) with Avril Lavigne. Flori took Annie and Luis to Omsi and Lisa and I hit Ann Taylor and tried on everything in the store. Excellent time. On Monday Lisa and I went to Trader Joes and everyone else went to Fort Vancouver and learned to make nails and we had a yummy lunch then they hit the road for Orleans to see Captain Curt (and everyone else.) It was fantastic and for the second time this summer I was able to say, "[insert name of young person] please don't hit Yoda on the head with the light saber." And I was asked for the second time why I have so many Star Wars toys. (I thought I had another post on this but I can't find it right now.) As we were packing them out the door they were asking about the playground and Spinart and R2D2 so I think we may get another visit someday.