Monday, December 03, 2007

This morning I woke up at 3am fretting about getting to work. Today is driving day.

We're in the middle of a wet and windy storm. I don't think it's stopped raining since Saturday and not the usual PACNW gray mist rain but plinking on the roof and forming a wading pool at the end of the driveway rain.

As I lay there in the dark, listening to the wind whip the rain against the window I tried to figure out the best strategy. My coat keeps my top dry but usually from the knees down I get at least a little damp and I didn't want to start my day with wet feet.

I thought maybe I'd wear jeans and old shoes and bring a separate bag with work pants and dry shoes and socks and then change when I got here.

Then I tried to imagine myself walking from the parking lot to the office in the dark and pouring rain carrying my purse and my lunch and my bag of dry clothes. I decided, screw it. My health, safety and convenience is worth $12 today. I parked in the building. I also have a giant package ready for mailing and wasn't sure how I was going to transport that so parking close today solved another problem.

In other news, the NaBloPoMo prize winner list went up.

I donated an Archie McPhee gift certificate and Bamboo Moon gets the prize.

And I won a prize, too. Watch me! No, watch me! donated some really cool stuff from her Café Press store.

Yay. Thanks again to Eden for organizing the event and all the people who participated and commented, etc.