Saturday, September 26, 2009

Something going on at the Art Museum the other night.

The weatherman said that this was the last weekend that it would be anything remotely like "hot" in these parts. I sat at the computer for about two hours this morning and then said: "Screw this."

I put on shorts and a tank top and hung out outside. I did a bunch of weeding. Swept the garage. Defrosted the outside freezer. Picked another 8 lbs. of tomatoes and did a few minor putting-the-garden to bed chores. I usually wait longer but it was sunny and I wanted to work outside. Most of the pumpkins have been brought in. The cucumbers did squat so I picked the one that was out there and pulled up most of the vines.

Now I've got the coconut barley pilaf on the stove and I've modified the recipe to use a bunch of stuff from the freezer that I want to use up.

I did clean out most of the email.

Perhaps tomorrow will be the epic writing catch up day.