Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sturgeon Hatchery

I remember when I was in my twenties and the first thing I wanted to see when I got home was that blinking red light on the answering machine. Someone called me! So often I was disappointed.

Now when I come home and I see that red light blinking I say, "[Expletive!] Now what?" How things change.

I saw bright sun when I work up this morning so we went for a walk. I made a giant pot of soup and then put in a couple of hours in the backyard. The garden is mostly put to bed. There are two pumpkins, a few beets and I left the Roma tomato in because it's still going like crazy.

I raked and dug and cleaned stuff up.

Now I'm tired but I'm running out the door for a little bit of BizaarroCon. Home late.