Sunday, December 09, 2001

The 2001 Volume 11, December 2001 PamNewsletter is finished and posted. The web version is a little longer and has 1 extra picture and doesn't include the Bob page that will be included with the paper version. My first version was padded to fit into 4 pages, but then Bob came through with his page and it made sense to cut it back down so the whole newsletter would be only 4 pages. To send out more seemed to ask a lot of our readers.

We saw another movie this weekend: Waking Life which was directed by Richard Linklater who also did Dazed and Confused. I can't recommend this one. I don't think it was bad but I don't know many people who would enjoy sitting through it. It was like sitting through an academic lecture. I'm glad I saw it but if I had known what it was like I probably would have picked something different seeing as how there are about 8 movies on the list right now.