Saturday, September 07, 2002

I thought I was going to Tacoma today to work on stuff for RTG but Phil said he doesn't need me today so I'm going to continue to work on this stuff from home. But meanwhile, I now have all day to work on my various projects. So what do I find myself doing but completely wasting my time sitting here catching up on WWW reading.

You can read the short name analysis for Pamela which is scarily right on. I should read some other names of people I know well and see if they match. You can look up your own name here:

Robert sent me this story: Urban Death Match by a bike messenger -- stressed me out just reading it.

At some point during my blogging travels, I found Davezilla and bookmarked it and this morning I actually spent a very short time there and managed to dig up some very entertaining URLs.

Check out the Chronicles of George who was "the worst helpdesk technician ever." And for the all time waste of time, and I sat here laughing for quite some time check out these flash movies -- I recommend pepper v. banana. And I checked out this guy's main page and he's my birthday twin -- except born the year I graduated from high school.