Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Enbiggen Nothing
This morning I intended to avoid writing about all that delicious broth and rice I've been eating and instead write some sort of thoughtful thing about cooking: imagination v. skill. But I realized I wouldn't be able to crank it out in the 9 minutes allotted so I passed for now.

Here's a quick tidbit I happened upon from I Blame The Patriarchy commenting on the celebrity birth glut called More Mouths to Feed which I include mainly because I love the quote [re: celebrities] "They enbiggen nothing worthwhile."

But celebrities are a different story. They are not public individuals, they are public globs of marketing. They enbiggen nothing worthwhile. Their genius is limited to their mastery of slimming techniques and pole dancing. Their “work” is to a) recite scripted dialogue under direction, b) conform to patriarchal beauty standards while doing it, c) summarily execute a sex scandal or a drug problem, and d) write a book about it. Nobody, aside from a few hack critics who shill for the movie studios and publishing houses, really gives a crap about part A so much as they do about the supposedly extraordinary personal lives manufactured for these celebrities as a result of all that crazy marketing.