Monday, July 17, 2006

Posting About Not Posting
I can't explain it but sometimes I can't bear to sit here and organize my thoughts / adventures into words for a post here. Other times I can hardly pry myself away.

I never wrote about my Michigan adventure which was lovely. I hung out with Auntie and Jennifer and the kiddiepies. We went to swimming lessons and outlet stores and did crossword puzzles and had a faboo dinner at Five Lakes Grill in Milford. One of those dinners you keep thinking about.

I decided I was going to start doing crosswords puzzles again. I used to do them all the time when I lived in L.A. We get the NY Times and the Monday puzzle is the easiest and a satisfying experience. I can finish it and revel in my smartness. By Thursday I'm toast and even cheating on the Internet, it takes me about an hour and a half to do two thirds of the puzzle. I used to love the Sunday puzzle but I guess that was the LA Times, not NY Times. I checked out the online LA Times puzzle but you had to do it on the computer which ruins all the fun because it's nice to leave on the kitchen counter and come back to all day long.

On Saturday we took the train to Tacoma for an Indian Arts Fair at the Washington State History Museum and met Ballard Avenue. Phil Red Eagle picked us up and took us to see the Salish canoe he's carving with a group of carvers. He gave me a card with a URL but I can't find it right now. Maybe I'll remember and update later. We had lunch and checked out the fair and walked around downtown Tacoma which is looking good in some places, like around the museums. A nice day trip.

My garden bounty hasn't quite kicked in yet. I've got zillions of green tomatoes but not one with even a hint of red. Our next door neighbors have a huge raspberry patch and they've been unloading lots on us. I was inspired by Foodday's cobbler v. crisp article this week and made a raspberry crisp which included a sprinkling of chocolate chips and was fantastic. I was going to do a whole post about cobbler v. crisps (which I call Brown Bettys) and maybe even do some Cooks Illustrated research and throw in some informative info on buckles and crumbles, as well. Maybe next weekend.

Bob and I got new computers so I spent all day yesterday getting my iTunes and photos moved over, reinstalling computer programs, and getting things configured the way I like it. At last a color screen that works. I've dusted off all my Photoshop books. Perhaps the remodel of this space will happen now.