Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Knife is Not A Toy
First Cut with New KnifeAs predicted, I whacked my finger on the new knife's first day out but it took awhile. I stayed blood free until my final dinner task: putting together the salad.

I injured myself on the first item so our salad only had fennel and greens.

My sourdough is a big disappointment. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I followed the instructions exactly and got a big ol dried out ball of dough with gunky flour chunks falling off of it that did not expand whatsoever although it smells nice and sourdoughy. I re-fed today and looks like more of the same. Tomorrow I'm going to feed again and add 50% more water and see what happens. If it is still does doo-doo I'm going to stop by the bakery next week and see if they can give me any tips. I'm thinking my kitchen must be some sort of Sahara-vortex which renders all of my baking projects overly dry. I'll see what the professionals think of this theory.

Close Up of the WoundTired as I was yesterday I didn't sleep for crap last night. Woke up at 3am, wide awake. Dropped off again at 5am and woke up around 7:30am not feeling at all rested. We've got a hot date tonight to meet friends for dinner and then see Merle Haggard I've got to be up for that. My nap utility is on the fritz -- I used to be a champion napper. As soon as the Olympics made it into a category I expected to be team captain but lately I settle down with my blanket and stare at the inside of my eyelids for 15 minutes and then give up.

I finished book #3 this morning. I'm having a tough time this year. I worked on Fortress of Solitude for several weeks and only made it to page 60. It's just not clicking for me. In the meantime I bought Eat Pray Love (book #3) and gobbled that up. I am now developing a small stack of books that I'm determined to read yet when I pick up I have no problem putting back down. Books that lots of well trust people I know enjoyed. I think I'm going to give Fortress one more try before it goes back in the pile.

Tomorrow is going to be the computer free day so I'll see you next week.