Sunday, July 22, 2001

omigod. I put 4 more volumes of the pamnewsletter online this weekend. I'd try to type a URL for the blog but I'm afraid the process would force me to put my eyes out. You'd think transfering the pages over to the new site would be easier than it is, but for some reason I slightly altered my folder structure and it's making everything a giant pain in the ass. What was I thinking?

It took me about 15 minutes just to get the Secrets of the Louvre link right. I was ready to dropkick Yoda (my iMac) into the backyard before I finally got it right. I think I still have a few screwed up links but I'll leave those for another day.

Tonight we went to McMenamins in Vancouver for dinner and I had the hummus plate. I should have my own hummus restaurant. It's my favorite food. I can't believe there is a www.hummus URL -- I typed it into my computer as a joke.

I'm reading my manuscript Little Friday this weekend because I'm doing a writing workshop for specifically that in a couple of weeks. I haven't looked at it for 2 years and it's not as dreadful as I had convinced myself. There is some tweaking to be done, but I still think it works. More on this exercise as it develops.

This weekend there was free cable because the shameless money grubbing capitalists better known as AT&T are doing a drive for our tax refund checks. Bastards. (Long, long rant omitted.) I taped Pitch Black because I always wanted to see it and I liked it -- esp. when that thing bit that guy's head off in a spray of blood. We also taped Trekkies and all I can say is, don't miss this movie. I can totally relate to the obsessed fandom and I am happy that it exists in this country -- but mygod, are there some freaks in that universe. Fun freaks, but freaks, nonetheless.