Friday, February 24, 2006

Watch Me Skate Is My Outfit Distracting You? Nice Skate Slacks!

Fashion Medal
The only part of the Olympics I watched was women's figure skating (big surprise).

They should have had medals for the ugliest outfits. That adorable Swiss girl in the horrible outfit would have taken home gold. And the Russian skaters wore ugly pants, too. I don't think the idea of women skaters in pants has to be bad, but as executed at these games the look was just tragic.

I tried to find photos of the skaters to show you but no luck so I came up with these instead. You get the idea and if you like these outfits, the photos were mined from a catalog. You can buy them yourself. Maybe dress as a figure skater next Halloween. Look very serious, have a friend read from a card about how hard you've worked for this moment. Then fall down. HA!

Also, who was that woman commentor? Did she utter one intelligent word? If she did, I didn't hear it. And how come when an American falls on her ass it's unexpected and when any other skater falls on her ass it's Olympic pressure, or poor training, or because her "light just went out" ?