Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Simple Life Ain't So Simple

At last, all my major responsibilities for the week are over. Comcast has been and and gone. The guy seemed slightly taken aback when I ran out to the truck and thanked him.

Now I've got a little free time and I think I'm going to squander part of it by sitting on the couch and watching one of my shows.

Today was writer's group and I usually bake a treat. When I know I'm going to be busy I usually buy cookie dough or brownie mix to make it easy. This week I was mesmerized by the pictures of layer cakes on the cake mix boxes and threw a mix in my cart. Of course, later I realized that made no sense. That I wasn't going to pour the mix in a bowl and pull a frosted layer cake out of the oven.

I thought I could make it a bundt cake and drizzle something over the top. I hollered at Kira and Amanda for help and Amanda recommended a basic ganache and explained how to do it.

I made the cake last night but I waited until this morning at the last minute to do the topping. I needed to bathe before the meeting and the chocolate wasn't melting so I finally put it in my improvised double boiler and put it on low and jumped in the shower. When I returned it was all melty and I very delicately attempted to drizzle it on my cake.


I used a spatula to smear it around. I wasn't sure whether this was a disaster or not. It's not a great photo. I still need a "make your food look pretty on your blog" tutorial. It tasted fantastic and everyone loved it. That's good enough for me.

On Tuesday I had a smoked bacon cheeseburger and fries that ruined my digestive system for 24 hours but was so totally worth it.