Sunday, October 07, 2007

 Goodnight Garden

I've been prioritizing some indoor projects and have missed a couple of sunbreaks that would have been good opportunities for some yardwork.

Bob and I went for a walk this morning under grey skies and blowing wind. When we got home I figured I'd better hop out there while I could. At least it wasn't too cold.

I brought in the hoses and tidied up a bit in front. Then I pulled up what was left of the garden and dug my first big compost hole of the season. I usually dig 3 or 4 big holes in the garden and rake the leaves and apples and garden compost into it and cover it back up and next spring I'll have the same rock-filled dirt I have every year. It's an amazing process.

I always wonder what would happen if something weird happened in my neighborhood and the authorities came to my door: "Ma'am, Google-satellite indicates unusual digging activity in your yard. We have a warrant and are bringing in a backhoe. Then they'd dig up my apples and leaves and tiny green tomatoes and make a big mess.

I pruned up the dahlias. They are still bravely waving their colors in the driving rain and whipping winds. I also dug up some stuff that was finished. At Easter my mother-in-law gave me a pot of pretty purple tulips and I finally found a spot to put those in the ground. There's plenty left to do out there but at least I've made a dent in it.

Now I'm so tired I can hardly see straight. At least I got my cardio in.

I realized I never ate anything so I've got some soup brewing on the stove and I'm going to make some tea and take a break and then I've got to get into the indoor stuff. I started organizing the closet this morning and I'm at the point where's everything's piled around on the bed. I have no choice, must take care of that before the day is over.

Next week I'm trying the bus fulltime. We'll see how it goes.

Photo: Bug that was living on the barbeque.