Sunday, December 06, 2009

Here's a photo of the "to read" pile. It's actually over 2 months old and some of that stuff has been cleared out with new stuff added. But I'm too lazy to bring all the stuff from the various piles around the bed, nightstand and other reading supply annexes and stack them in one handy place for a new photo. (Is there some funky plural to annex? I'm too tired to look right now.) But aren't the Han Shot First bookends awesome?

Sorry if the titles are blurry. I think the stack on the upper left is the magazine pile which is greatly reduced since that time. I'm going to read like a fiend over xmas vacation.

On Friday I had to run just a couple of routine errands but about fifteen minutes in I was confident that I never have to hear "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" ever again. Why is that song so annoying?

I've had another busy weekend. I'm so tired I can hardly see straight. I still haven't cleaned off my desk. There's a stack of "you have to do this" notes which I'm planning to ignore.